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The Royal Cornwall Show

Specialist Inbound Group Tour Operator for Cornwall & Southern England

For a taste of everything that Cornwall has to offer on your holiday or tour then a trip The Royal Cornwall Show is a must. For 3 days in June each year the Royal Showground in Wadebridge on Cornwall’s north coast becomes the focus of Cornish life and you can share it on visit to England favourite holiday destination.

Over 3 days 110,000 people come to see this celebration of the Cornwall’s agricultural life, but that’s only part of the story. It’s the county’s biggest annual event and with hundreds of exhibits and activities offering entertainment, competition, information, shopping and all that’s best in food and farming.

You’ll love the animal shows with dog and goat sections; rare and unusual breeds. A top flower show and a countryside area where you can learn to fly fish or see birds of prey close up. Sample the food and ingredients in the food pavilion and see why Cornwall has a growing reputation for the best cuisine in Great Britain. The county’s restaurants make the best use of these ingredients to offer fantastic meals all year round.

In the Main arena entertainment is mounted on a grand scale and the traditional steam engines in a colourful extravaganza; there are stages and avenues alive with music, song and dance.

We specialise in unique and personalised special interest tours of Cornwall for groups large and small, creating tours that focus on subjects and special events; as well as bespoke itineraries for schools, university and alumni groups.

Include the Royal Cornwall Show in a group tour of Cornwall and find out more about our service.

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